Here are some of the crochet pretty bits I've made to hide the binding thread on the journals, If any one doesn't crochet or want to be bothered making these yourself, please e-mail me and I will make them for you! I don't have any more buttons, but I have got plenty of pearls and crystal beads, in black as well. I do have leaves too!
Hello! I'm in Stephanie's H.O.E class with you! I still need to bind my pages in and crochet my button strip (I'm kind of scared to crochet because I haven't done it since I was very young when my grandma showed me how) :) I absolutely love your crocheted strips! They are so beautiful. What did you use for your pages-they look very unique? Hugs,
Those are pretty. :) I do not crochet but I was able to sew them to the bindings. :) I have finished books I need to share them. Thank you for sharing. :)